This is the legacy website for the Atomic and Molecular Data Unit.
The latest information about our activities can be found at
Existing data services at this location function as usual.
License Agreement for GRASP2K
This non-profit use-license agreement is an agreement between the author(s) of a program also distributed by Computer Physics Communications and the person who acquires it. By acquiring the program the person is agreeing to be bound by the terms of the present agreement.
This license entitles the licensee (one person) and the licensee's research group to obtain a copy of the source or executable code and to use the acquired program for academic or non-profit use within a research group; or, it entitles the licensee (one company, organization or computing center) to install the program and allow access to the executable code to members of the licensee's organization for academic or non-profit use. No user or site will re-distribute the source code or executable code to a third party in original or modified form without the written permission of the author.
Publications which result from using the acquired program will reference the article in the Computer Physics Communications which describes the program.
This license does not permit any commercial (profit-making or proprietary) use or re-licensing or re-distributions. Persons interested in for-profit use should contact the author.
No responsibility of any kind is assumed and is hereby disclaimed by the
authors and the International Atomic Energy Agency for any injury and/or
damage to persons or property as a result of any actual or alleged libelous
statements, infringement of intellectual property or privacy rights, or
products liability, whether resulting from negligence or otherwise, including
without limitation from any use or operation of any ideas, instructions,
procedures, products or methods contained in the material therein. Access to
this site is provided on an "as is" basis, and authors do not warrant that the information or software contained herein is complete or accurate or free from error.
This software is provided by the authors on an "as is" basis, and if downloaded by the subscriber should be checked for defects or viruses before being used.