Franck-Condon Factors, Transition Probabilities and Radiative Lifetimes for Hydrogen Molecules and their Isotopomeres

Notation and Energy of Electronic States

Notation and energy [eV] of electronic states (with respect to the potential curve minimum) in energetic order for each multiplet system.
All numerical data are classified according to this schema, separated into singlet and triplet system for all isotopomeres.

nNotationEnergy NotationEnergy
1X 1Σg+0   
2B 1Σu+11.36832 b 3Σu+repulsive
C 1Πu12.41104 c 3Πu11.88862
EF 1Σg+12.41663 a 3Σg+11.89975
3B' 1Σu+13.84161 e 3Σu+13.36136
GK 1Σg+13.91390 d 3Πu13.97927
I 1Πg14.01240 h 3Σg+13.98389
J 1Δg14.06516 g 3Σg+14.00249
D 1Πu14.12607 i 3Πg14.01098
HH 1Σg+14.13676 j 3Δg14.06354
4B''B 1Σu+14.62494 f 3Σu+14.46050
P 1Σg+14.68251 k 3Πu14.68204
R 1Πg14.69390 p 3Σg+no data
S 1Δg14.71741 r 3Πg14.69335
D' 1Πu14.74296 s 3Δg14.71602
O 1Σg+14.74843